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Leadership Starts Here

Leader Training FAQ

October 7, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the plans for Leader Training for 2022-2023?

Becoming an OA Leader requires completing on-campus training in 4 skill areas (leadership, first aid, outdoor technical skills, and risk management), followed by a 6-day outdoor trip to practice implementing these skills.

We offer the training workshops at four different time periods during the year:

  • Fall Break
  • Wintersession
  • Spring Break
  • After Spring Break

When do I have to complete everything?

You can take the various components of training at different times during the year with the exception of the Leader Training Trip, a 6-day trip which must be taken after you have completed all of the other requirements.

What if I miss one of the components of training?

You are required to complete all of the OA Trainings to become an OA Leader. Attendance is taken at all classes. See Leader Training Requirements for details. It is your responsibility to be aware of all of the components of training and ensure that you plan your schedule accordingly.