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Leadership Starts Here

Leader Training Committee Responsibilities

February 8, 2022

Requirements of Leader Trainers

Leader Trainers play an essential role in the organizational structure of the Outdoor Action Program. Those who are accepted to become Leader Trainers are role models for all leaders within Outdoor Action and students at large on the campus. That means that the role and responsibilities of a Leader Trainer extend beyond activities within the OA Program.

Regular Responsibilities

Weekly Meetings: Leader Trainers meet weekly 1-2 hours per week.

Technical Skills Classes & Leadership Workshops: Leader Trainers help to teach Technical Skills classes and facilitate Leadership Workshops.

Leader Training Trip: Leader Trainers are required to lead at least one Leader Training Trip each year (either Intersession or after final exams in May)

Leader Trainer Retreat: There are 1-2 Leader Trainer Retreats each semester which are required. These are typically 3-5 hour events aimed and expanding teaching and other skills.

Leader Trainer Interviews: Leader Trainers are involved in the interview and selection process for new Leader Trainers. This is in addition to weekly meetings and includes reviewing written applications. running hour-long teaching sessions of candidates, hour-long interviews with candidates, and meetings to review and discuss applicants.

Other Responsibilities: Leader Trainers are periodically called upon for other duties that support the growth of the OA Program.