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Leadership Starts Here

Leadership & Building a Growth Mindset

February 8, 2022
Topics: Leadership

Are you a budding entrepreneur, a social change agent, working on a team or part of a student group? If you want to enhance your effectiveness and impact then you need to cultivate you highest leadership potential. Outdoor Action is offering the opportunity for all students to do that through our Leadership 101 and Leadership 102 workshop series. These workshops are open to the whole campus (no prerequisites and you don’t have to be interested in becoming an OA Leader to participate).

Leadership 101 – Sunday, April 7 from 1:00 – 6:00 PM, Frist MPR

  • Understand the importance of Full Value Contract in establishing and maintaining group norms.
  • Understand the Experiential Learning Cycle and the role that leaders play in creating an experience that promotes interpersonal growth
  • Learn the Learning/Leadership Zones: Comfort Zone/Learning Zone/Panic Zone
  • Understand how implementing Challenge by Choice and Choose to be Challenged provides personal choice and encourages people to step into their Learning Zone.
  • Understand the importance of setting the tone for the group at the very beginning of the trip and how a trip needs to be sequenced to build towards a growth-producing experience
  • Develop Active Listening Skills & Listening for Curiosity
  • Learn how to manage individual and group conflict through the VOMP Model (Voice-Ownership-Empathy-Plan)
  • Learn the importance of creating Safe Space and the difference between Safe and Uncomfortable.

Sign up at the OA TripStore

Leadership 102 – Sunday, April 14 from 1:00 – 6:00 PM, Frist MPR

  • Learn how to give feedback through the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) Model
  • Learn how Leadership Style depends on the situation and experience of the group. Learn how to balance your Task-oriented Behaviors and Relationship-oriented Behaviors into either Directive, Democratic or Delegative styles
  • Understanding your preferred Leadership Style and how that interacts with your co-leaders’ style
  • Learn the 4 Basic Stages of Group Development and the appropriate leadership style for each stage
  • Develop techniques for debriefing and processing that encourage self-disclosure and personal growth

Sign up at the OA TripStore