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Leadership Starts Here

Twas the Night Before Dead-week

February 8, 2022

Twas the night before dead-week, when all through the land
The creatures were stirring, up in Harriman.
The first group on the trail had just finished day two,
and it was time to get sleep before the trainees yelled “boo”.

The LOD’s were both restless but snug in their bags,
Their minds quickly raced over all the red flags.
And my co in her ‘kerchief, and I in mine too,
Had just finished our scheming of what sims to do.

When out by the bear-bag there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from the tarp to see what was the matter.
Into our camp shoes we jumped with much haste.
We thought to ourselves, “there was no time to waste!”

The moon caught the glint of the now-dewy trail
which looked slick enough to make our footing fail.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a dark furry shape, eek it must be a BEAR!

Protocol states that we should appear large,
to teach that ol’ bear just who was in charge.
We needed our group, a big mass was our aim,
so my co and myself called our kids out by name.

“Now Dasher! now Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!”
We then thought to ourselves, “Wow, our kids have weird names,
Good thing there’s no Rudolf… he’d be left out of games!”

So we gathered together, we achieved our goal,
we could now send that bear on a nice little stroll.
But that bear sure was stubborn, that bear wasn’t scared,
we had to do something so our food would be sparred.

We hooted and hollered, as loud as could be,
we would’ve banged pots… they were under the tree.
But then that ol’ bear made one fatal mistake,
in thinking the bbq sauce was his to take.

“Don’t you know anything?!” I yelled out in rage,
“The sauce is the boss, get on the Sam Page!”
It was time to use force, the situation was dire,
we all picked up rocks, and I was about to yell, “FIRE!”

“Sim Called,” the bear growled, giving us chills,
“good job remembering to use all those skills!”
Then the bear stood, but we knew things were fine,
It was Rick Curtis of class 79!

He debriefed the sim and then sent us to bed,
and then there was just one last thing that he said,
“After I leave, you must finish your duties,
but before I go home… Wanna jump shake your booties?”