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Leadership Starts Here

Epinephrine Training

February 8, 2022

Understanding how to use epinephrine in the treatment of anaphylactic reactions due to insect bites or food allergies can be an immediate life-saving measure. Under the NJ Higher Education Epinephrine Emergency Treatment Act colleges in New Jersey are permitted to train students and others to provide epinephrine injections in the event of a life-threatening emergency. All OA Leaders are required to complete this training.

The “Higher Education Epinephrine Emergency Treatment Act,” allows public and independent institutions of higher education in New Jersey to develop a policy for the emergency administration of epinephrine to a member of the campus community for anaphylaxis when a medical professional is not available.  Institutions of higher education that develop such policies must designate an appropriately licensed physician, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse, or registered nurse to serve as the “licensed campus medical professional,” who will oversee the institution’s epinephrine administration and train designees in the administration of epinephrine via a pre-filled auto-injector mechanism.  Eligible designees must be members of the campus community who are at least 18 years of age; have, or reasonably expect to have, responsibility for at least one other member of the campus community as a result of the designee’s occupational or volunteer status; and satisfactorily complete the training protocol administered by the licensed campus medical professional.  A policy developed by an institution of higher education under the act would permit a trained designee to administer epinephrine to a member of the campus community for whom the designee is responsible when the designee in good faith believes that the member of the campus community is having an anaphylactic reaction.   Under the bill, a licensed campus medical professional is authorized to obtain a supply of pre-filled epinephrine auto-injectors under a standing protocol from a licensed physician and to control distribution of the devices to trained designees.